What are the Practical and Applied Arts (PAA)?
The opportunities available to students under the Practical and Applied Arts umbrella are numerous. Options include alimentation (French), cosmetology, construction and carpentry, accounting, and a host of other options.
These courses can help students develop personal and life skills, gain entry level employment skills, or pursue post-secondary education or training.
The students of MCS have created the following short informational videos describing some of the course offerings at MCS.
Alimentation 10 (French) | Alimentation 20 (French) | Accounting 30 |
Accounting 10 | Accounting 20 | Art 30 |
Art 10 | Art 20 | Band 30 |
Band 10 | Band 20 | Christian Ethics 30 |
Christian Ethics 10 | Christian Ethics 20 | Construction & Carpentry 30 |
Coiffure et soins esthetiques 10 | Construction & Carpentry 20 | Cosmetology 30 |
Construction & Carpentry 10 | Communication Media 20 | Entrepreneurship 30 |
Cosmetology 10 | Cosmetology 20 | Financial Literacy 30 |
Food Studies 10 | Machining 20 | Food Studies 30 |
Machining 10 | Mechanics 20 | Life Transitions 30 |
Mechanics 10 | Photography 20 | Machining 30 |
Practical & Applied Arts 10 (Digital media & Technology) |
Welding 20 | Mechanics 30 |
Welding 10 | Wildlife Management 20 | Photography 30 |
Other Electives: | Welding A 30 | |
Hockey 10L (Female) | Welding B 30 | |
Hockey 10 M (Male) | Wildlife Management 30 |