
MCS Library

Dr. Warner F. Walters Learning Center:The Resource Centre was renamed at a dedication ceremony on October 22, 2013 to honour and recognize the dedication and commitment of Dr. Warner F. Walters in the furthering of education in Melville.​

Primary rule is: RESPECT OTHERS.

Library circulation has been automated since the fall of 1987 with a computer program that tracks the checking out and in of library materials to students and staff. The computer cataloging system started in the fall of 1993 using full MARC records. We now have an internet based that allows Students and staff to access the Library Catalog from any computer on the internet and search for materials by Title, Author, Subject, Series, Keywords, etc.

Students and staff can also access their own Library info as to what books they have out, overdues and holds, as well as a history of books they have borrowed in the past. They can place holds, renew books and rate and recommend their favorite books.

The new Destiny Library Catalogue is available online so it can also be accessed from outside the school. Click here to access:  MCS LIBRARY CATALOG

Please complete the form below for individual book requests.

Library Form

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The maximum total size of all files in a single form submission is 1 GB.